Bringing Happiness and Joy to Women and Children for a Brighter Future

Online Tuition. Coaching. Mentoring. Parent Support.Teacher Support. Executive Education Consultations. 
You are invaluable.
Happy New Year from Karlene, our Founder and Director.
Welcome to the Education Support Group 
We are executive educators, teachers, mentors, coaches and exam specialists providing: online tuition, coaching, mentoring, parent help, teacher help and education consultations: Group tuition covers on UK and US education systems. Topics include: Fun and Play Sessions (for Children and Parent/Guardian Togetherness), Homeschool (multiple subjects for students aged 1-19), Online Safety, GCSE Law, GCSE English (Literature), GCSE English (Language), SATs, ACTs, Postgraduate Diploma in Law (PGDL) and Bachelor of Laws (LLB). 
You, your voice, your education and your life matter.
"To educate with genuine compassion and empathy is one of the most powerful means of social justice and empowerment on the planet."
Education is a fundamental human right that should be protected to build, form and sustain democracy. Education that transforms lives and uplifts the wellbeing of women and children can enhance equal access to education and protect against online harms. 
3 Month, 2 Month, 1 Month Programmes
(2 Hours Per Week)

Online English and Law Tuition for Women

4 week, 8 week and 12 week programmes. 2 hours a week. Choose from: Online Safety GCSE or A-Level Law Postgraduate Diploma in Law (PGDL) GCSE or A-Level English Literature GCSE or A-Level English Language Bachelor of Laws (LLB) English (Literature or Language) for Casual Learners - UK English (Literature or Language) for Casual Learners - US English Law (the law of England and Wales) for Casual Learners - UK English Law (the law of England and Wales) for Casual Learners - US

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Online Life Coaching, Professional Coaching & Mentoring for Women

Encouragement and empowerment to help you grow in happiness and joy and overcome challenges at home, work and life.

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Online English and Law Tuition for Children Aged 11 -17

4 week, 8 week and 12 week programmes. 2 hours a week. Choose from: GCSE or A-Level Law Postgraduate Diploma in Law (PGDL) Bachelor of Laws (LLB) GCSE or A-Level English Literature GCSE or A-Level English Language Exams/Tests: SATs or ACTs - US English Language Arts (ELA) - US

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Online Life Coaching and Mentoring for Children Aged 5-17

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Online Parent Support

Online Safety Questions Lesson Plan Assistance Assisting you with questions about education for children.

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Online Teacher Support

Online Safety questions Lesson Plan Assistance Assisting you with questions about teaching, students and the education sphere.

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Executive Education Leadership Consultancy for Women

E.g., for Headteachers/Principals and Governing Board Chairpersons. Discussing and considering enhancements and resolutions concerning: Online Safety in the Education Setting Sessions for You Sessions for Education Settings (e.g., School Improvement)

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How It Works
Four Simple Steps:
1. Contact us for our pricing plan.
2. Complete our online booking form below. 
3. Sit back and relax, and we will contact you. :)

All staff are DBS checked. 

Discounts are available if you are a university student, on a low income, or if you receive benefits. 
Our Vision
We strive to build togetherness in UK society and global communities by uplifting women and children. Through our holistic education opportunities which encompass teaching, coaching, mentoring and educational consultations, we work to create an environment that nurtures growth, resilience and confidence. We envision a world where every woman and child is empowered to thrive, equipped with the knowledge and self-awareness needed to foster meaningful change in their lives and communities. With compassionate and professional support, we protect and widen their education opportunities to maximise free speech and self-expression. Together, we can build a brighter future where women and children are not only informed, but are also inspired to make a real and lasting change in society.
Our Mission
We are dedicated to coming alongside women and children, providing them with online spaces that protect their wellbeing and education development, empowering them with even more happiness, success and joy. By safeguarding women and children from online harms and working to ensure equal access to education, we can pave the way for a brighter future. To combat online abuse and hate speech while promoting a healthier digital environment for all users, we integrate education strategies into our education service. Together, with purpose, determination and consistency (doing our best), we can create a supportive environment that advances and sustains real happiness and joy. Struggles in life may come, but we, as a global community, do not have to let such situations leave us feeling and being stuck in life. We are overcomers!
Our Founder
Karlene is a passionate and empathetic executive education leader, postgraduate researcher, social justice advocate, creative and motivational speaker, dedicated to uplifting women and children through equality, encouragement, empowerment and life-changing support. She believes in gender equality (equal rights for men, women and children) and focuses on defending the right to equal access to education for women and children. Karlene has a diverse professional background, including having been a global aid worker. She upholds high standards of excellence, integrity and social awareness in her work. Karlene spends her spare time with her family and inspiring others. 

What We Do
We believe in the transformative power of self-awareness, informed self-reflection and self-empowerment as essential tools for personal growth and success. Our initiatives are dedicated to empowering women and children by helping them articulate their voices, pursue their passions and improve their lives. We equip women and children with the knowledge and skills necessary to challenge societal stereotypes and norms, whilst advocating for their equal right to education. In all our interactions, we uphold professionalism, equality, dignity and respect for every woman and child.
Why We Do It
Our belief in the intrinsic worth of every person inspires our commitment to uplift women and children. With a foundation built on compassion and innovative approaches, we work hard to empower women and children through the joyous occasions and difficult challenges in life, helping to ensure they feel supported and are not alone in their journey of life.
You have fantastic potential. You can do this!
Online Teaching, Coaching and Mentoring Styles
We use empathy, compassion, patience, diligence and focus to encourage and uplift women and children. Online tutoring, coaching and mentoring include Visual, Audio and Kinaesthetic (VAK) learning skills and practice. Groups and inividuals focus on different themes. Each themes links to the other and are chosen to maximise success, engagement and enjoyment. 
Parent Support
We answer questions and provide advice and guidance for UK and US educaton systems (state/public school, independent/private school, homes school education, college and university).

Online Safety Questions: Advice and guidance about online safety

Sessions for You: Embracing You, A Confidential Listening Service, Time Management, Being Safe Online, Anti-Bullying Support, Developing an Engaging Curriculum, Learning to Say "No" with Confidence, Surviving Domestic Abuse, Safeguarding Against Narcissism

Sessions to Help You Assist Children: Lesson Plan Assistance (e.g., home school and secondary school), Teaching Resources (e.g., podcasts), Mums and Babies (e.g., fun, engaging and relaxing activities), Nurturing Care-giving Practices for Children, Keeping Children Safe Online, Using Online Parental Control Tools Effectively, Safely Monitoring Online Activities, Anti-bullying Support, Getting Real (creating a safe environment where children can safely express their feelings to you)
Teacher Support
Online Tuition, Life Coaching, Professional Coaching, Mentoring, Education Leadership Consultations and Executive Education Leadership Consultations

Sessions for You: A Confidential Listening Service, Growing in Confidence, Looking after "You" as a Teacher, Anti-Bullying Support, Classroom Teaching, Reading, Writing, Speaking Techniques, Reflective Teaching Styles

Sessions to Help Students: Listening to and Engaging Effectively with Students, Effective Curriculum Development, Anti-Bullying Support for Students, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Classroom Management, Planning Innovative and Engaging Lessons, Safeguarding Children from Online Harms, Practical and Empathetic Teaching Strategies, Understanding Pedagogical Theories, Teaching Resources
Executive Education Consultancy for Women
Online Safety Sessions: Online Safety Training for Educators, Digital Safeguarding (Leadership Programme), Cyber Resilience, Mental Health Awareness in Digital Contexts

Sessions for You: A Confidential Listening Service, Anti-Bullying Help, Instructional Leadership Skills and Practice, Growing in Confidence, Uplifting Yourself Through the Ups and Downs, Coaching in Leadership Development, Work-life Balance Strategies, Speech Writing, Speaking Assistance

Sessions for Education Settings: A Confidential Listening Service, School Improvement, Protecting Students from Online Harms, Listening and Engaging Effectively with Students and Staff, Strategic Planning, Community Engagement, Overseeing School Governors: Empathetically and Effectively, Diversity and Inclusion, Succession Planning, Change Management, Understanding and Conducting Evidence-based Research in Education Settings
Online Mentoring for Women
We provide advice, guidance and support to help you grow in any happiness and overcome challenges at home, work and in your life. We foster a supportive community that encourages personal and professional growth. Whether you are just looking for friendly online discussion whilst you wash the dishes or relax, or whether you are taking a break at work or university and wish for a boost of confidence, contact us. We would love to help you feel and be supported and encouraged in life. 
You can become even more happier! :)
The Law Studies Academy (English Law and US Law)
We offer online English law tuition (the law of England and Wales) and US law tuition (Federal Law and local law) for women and young people interested in Law. The Law Studies Academy was started by Karlene, our Founder and Director, to help men, women and young people excel in their legal studies. Boost your confidence. Advance your knowledge, analysis, research, writing and exam techniques. Develop your study skills and reflective practice with empathetic, professional and focused support.
English Law (the law of England and Wales)
Online Law Tuition: Postgraduate Diploma in Law (PGDL), Bachelor of Laws (LLB), GCSE Law and A-Level Law exam content, such as: The History of the English Legal System, Constitutional and Administrative Law, Tort Law, Human Rights Law, Criminal Law, Land Law, Equity & Trusts and (Issue, Rule, Application [or Analysis], Conclusion).
Explore essential procedural aspects, including court processes and litigation proceedings. Gain insights into ethical dilemmas confronting legal professionals. By understanding recent changes in legislation and landmark cases that influence various areas of English law, you can develop a clear and informed understanding necessary to succeed in your legal studies.
US Law: Juris Doctor (JD) Modules
Online tuition topics include, but are not limited to: Legal History, Comparative Legal Systems, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Tort Law, Civil Rights, Human Rights, International Human Rights Law, Criminal Law, Property Law, Trusts and Estates and IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application [or Analysis], Conclusion).

Legal Writing Skills
The IRAC Method and Legal Writing Skills

Improve your legal writing skills through learning how to apply the IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application [or Analysis], Conclusion) method. This structured approach will help you to systematically analyse legal problems and articulate your arguments in a coherent and cohesive manner. You can also learn how to identify key legal issues, apply relevant rules of law to specific scenarios and draw well-reasoned conclusions. 
Services for Children (aged 1-17) and Young Adults (aged 18-19)
Online tuition and life coaching for children aged 3-17 and young adults aged 18-19. Homeshooling for children aged 1-17 and young adults aged 18-19. Mentoring for children aged 5-10 and young adults aged 18-19.

Assistance covers state/public school, independent/private school, home school education and college (based on UK and US education systems).

N.B. "college" refers to the UK college system for 16-19 year olds.
Online Tuition for Children (aged 1-10)
Homeschooling for Students (aged 1-10): Subscribe and sign up for classes for each term. Pay in instalments at discounted rates. 

UK Academic Subjects for Children (aged 3-10): Reading, Writing, Spelling, English (Literature), English (Language), English as a Foreign Language (EFL), Counting (Maths), Science, Bible, Geography, History, Science, Language (e.g., French, German, Irish Gaelic, Welsh), Kiddies Learn Law (e.g., engaging historical stories about English law - the law of England and Wales)

US Academic Subjects for Children (aged 3-10)
: Reading, Writing, English (Literature), English (Language), English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Numbers (Math), Bible, Geography, History, Science, Kiddies Learn Law (e.g., engaging historical stories about US law)

Non-academic Subjects for ALL Children (aged 3-10 years old): Safe Surfing Adventures (i.e., a fun way to teach little ones about staying safe online), Fun Art (e.g., Painting, Drawing and Arts and Crafts), Performing Arts (Drama, Singing, Acting and Dance), Watch and Play (a time to learn as they play online), Exciting Film-making Times, Photos with a Camera
Homeschooling for Children and Young Adults
Year-round termly sessions:

See the timetable below.

Each day includes independent and active play for children aged 1-8 and times to relax - e.g, read, paint) for children aged 9-17 and young adults aged 18-19. 
Homeschool Timetable for Children (aged 1-10)
See above for what to expect with homeschool group sessions.


Ages 1-3: 
Mon - Sun
Learn and Play sessions called 'Mummy and Me' - Structured sessions with Mummy/Guardian and Baby/Toddler. Different themes are set for each week.

Ages 2-4: 
Mon - Sun
Watch and Play (a time to learn as they play online) - Structured sessions with Mummy/Guardian and Baby/Toddler. Book one or more hours. Different themes are set for each week - e.g. Paddington Bear (learning about the world).

Ages 5-10: 
Mon: English (Reading, Writing, Spelling, Listening, English Language), Counting (Maths), Our Universe (Physics), Performing Arts (Drama, Singing, Acting and Dance)
Tues: Our World (Geography), History, Safe Surfing Adventures (i.e., a fun way to teach little ones about staying safe online), Fun Art (Painting, Drawing and Arts and Crafts)
Wed: Chemistry, Kiddies Learn Law (e.g., engaging historical stories about English law - the law of England and Wales), Exciting Film-making 
Thurs: Music (Instruments, Singing, Music Theory), Physical Education (P.E.)
Fri: Bible,  Biology,  Language (e.g., French, German, Irish Gaelic, Igbo, Welsh)
Sat: English (Reading, Writing, Spelling, Listening, English Language), Counting (Maths), Performing Arts (Drama, Singing, Acting and Dance), Fun Art (Painting, Drawing and Arts and Crafts)
Sun: English (Reading, Writing, Spelling, Listening, English Language), Counting (Maths), Our Universe (Physics), Performing Arts (Drama, Singing, Acting and Dance)
Life Coaching and Mentoring for Children (aged 5-10)
Life coaching focuses on developing personal skills and improving performance (e.g., music and academic studies). We share fun stories and experiences and encourage each child to explore their interests (e.g., drama, art and singing) to develop their overall personal growth.
Homeschool Timetable for Children (aged 11-17) and Young People (aged 18-19)
See above for what to expect with homeschool group sessions.

Exams: Choose to study GCSEs, A-Levels, SATs and ACTs.
Let us know if you wish to book exam lessons.

Mon: English (Reading, Writing, Spelling, Listening), English Law, Maths, History, Staying Safe Online, Fine Art (e.g., Painting and Drawing)
Tues:  Art (e.g., Painting and Drawing), Thinking Through Career Options, Planning for Interviews, Writing CVs/Resumes, Presentations, Speaking Engagements Help, Speech Writing
Wed: Interior Design, Performing Arts (Drama, Singing, Dance), Film, US Law
Thurs: English as a Foreign Language (EFL), Geography, Science, English as a Second Language (ESOL), 
Fri:  Bible, Religious Education, Language (e.g., French, Irish Gaelic), Performing Arts (Drama, Singing, Dance), Film
Sat: Teaching Techniques for the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), Teaching Techniques for Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), Understanding Teaching Styles - USA, Understanding the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Course
Sun: Juris Doctor (JD) Modules, Bible, Religion (multiple religions)
GCSE English Tuition 
GCSE English (Literature and Language) is typically taken by students aged 14 to 16 years old in the UK. Adults in the UK can also complete GCSE English studies. The curriculum focuses on developing reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. 

Key components include: 
  • Literature Studies: Analysing a range of texts including novels, plays and poetry from different time periods. 
  • Language Skills: Emphasising grammar, vocabulary skills and effective communication. 
  • Exam Preparation: Strategies for tackling exam questions and understanding assessment criteria.
A-Level English Tuition 
A-Level English is typically, but not solely, pursued by UK students aged 16 to 18 years old. A-Level English allows for a deeper exploration of literature and language studies. 

Key aspects include: 
  • Specialisation Options: Students choose between English Literature, English Language or combined courses 
  • Critical Analysis: Analytical skills are developed through studying complex texts and themes

Independent Research: Students are encouraged to complete personal projects or extended essays that reflect individual interests. A-Level tuition can include preparation for university entrance exams and coursework assessments.
UK Law: GCSE Law and
A-Level Law ​
1. GCSE study is separated into two units:

{Unit 01} The English Legal System (41601): Introduction to Law, Courts and Processes, People in the Law and Sources of English Law

{Unit 02} The Law in Action (41602): The Law of Tort, Criminal Law, Family Law and Rights and Responsibilities 

2. A-Level Law includes:

The Nature of Law and the English Legal System: Private Law, Public Law and Legal Skills
US Law: Juris Doctor Modules (JD) - for Young People (aged 11-19)
Legal language is levelled to suit the needs and abilities of each young person. Topics include, but are not limited to:
Legal History, Comparative Legal Systems, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Tort Law, Civil Rights, Human Rights, International Human Rights Law, Criminal Law, Property Law, Trusts and Estates, IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application [or Analysis], Conclusion)
Life Coaching and Mentoring for Young People (aged 11-19)
Life coaching focuses on helping young people achieve and/or form personal goals, using structured techniques tailored to their developmental stages. Mentoring involves young people receiving guidance, support and encouragment in life.
Your joys can become even greater!

Preferred date for first session
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Please fill out the form provided below. Submit your CV/resume, cover letter and DBS certificate/background check. Alternatively, let us know if you have a DBS certificate that is registered with the DBS Update Service.

It would be great to hear from you.

Remember, you are invaluable.

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£ 40

Donation Amount

  • High Street, Oxford, UK
  •  Office Hours: Mon-Sun - 09:00-17:00 Service Hours: 07.30-22.00 Out of Hours: Message us here and we will respond as soon as possible.

You are invaluable.